"Rejoicing for what was; commemorating what is no longer."
“I loved every moment of the trip - the joyous and the mournful. I couldn't ask for a better leader! Thank you for such a meaningful experience. It will stay with me forever.” Golda Abramson-Pritchard, Denver CO
Thank you Rav David for showing me not just the lowest of Poland, but also the highest. I have learned that it is possible to transition from happy to sad and back, and when it is appropriate to sing and dance, and when it is appropriate to mourn and cry. This journey will stay with me forever. - Eden Gorodischer, Westchester, New York
This journey has strengthened my love for Judaism and Israel, and has made me a stronger person.
- Shira Osdoba, Memphis, Tennessee
You gave us time to think about what is really important in life and that is what made this trip so special. Thank you for being an amazing guide and being a bridge between the past and present. -Eden Malca, Brooklyn, NY

“I loved every moment of the trip; the joyous and the mournful. I couldn't ask for a better leader! Thank you for such a meaningful experience. It will stay with me forever.”
- Golda Abramson-Pritchard, Denver, CO
"Rabbi Abrahamovitz succeeds in touching both the heart and the mind. He educates and moves his students. His tours bring to life the world that was in vibrant colors. He has the passion, Torah knowledge and educational wisdom such that students begin to grasp what indeed was lost."
- Rabbi David Debow, Alon Shvut, Israel, Director of Midreshet Emunah v'Omanut
"I really have no words. I don't even know where to begin. This past week was the most incredible week for me..... I learned so much history and facts I have never known before. But more than that, I learned things about myself I had never tapped into...The way you had every detail covered is mind boggling.”
-Sue Gershon, Beit Shemesh, Israel
"The SFW Adult Poland trip was everything I ever could have hoped for and MORE. The historical perspective, combined with the Torah aspect and an appreciation of the significant Jewish presence in Poland before the war, provided a comprehensive understanding of the enormity of the Shoah and allowed for an amazing interplay between the sadness and mourning and the greatness that are the Jewish people."
-Alan Steinmetz, Woodmere, New York
"The Shalavim Adult Tour to Poland was an unforgettable experience. Whether the leaders, the accommodations, or the group comradeship, each represented the very best opportunities for a warm, inspirational visit."
-Susan Fruchter, Lawrence, New York
"Combining the talents of Rabbi David Abrahamovitz as a master tour guide, historian and story teller with the added talents of Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith and Rebetzin Michelle Elmaleh from the Shalavim for Women Seminary on an adult tour of Poland this summer was like hitting the jackpot!!!
The tour was everything I could have hoped for and more. It was meaningful, inspiring and life-changing... The sites chosen were well edited to paint a vivid picture of the Jewish life in Poland that existed before the war and the horrors that were experienced during the Holocaust. Our shabbat experience in Krakow was amazing as a time to reflect on all we had seen and to reaffirm that "Am Yisrael Chai"...
Rabbi David shared with us many personal testimonies that he has collected from survivors which greatly enriched his explanations. Rabbi Yamin and Rebbetzin Michelle shared with us many beautiful divrei torah and other vorts. Their warmth and their insights added so much...
There was Torah learning, there were great discussions, there was singing, there was laughter and tears. Our group boarded the bus as strangers and bonded over this trip as a family. I can't recommend this trip enough and I can't stop talking about it!"
-Edie Friedman (Montreal, Canada)
"Dearest Rav David,
On behalf of all of the students and staff at EVO, I want to thank you for making our trip to Poland as meaningful as you promised it would be. From now on, I think that we can all agree that you cannot take a trip to Poland without both Yankel AND Rav David.
Words cannot describe how thankful we are to have had the opportunity to learn with you this past week. You never once lost your patience with us, answered each of our questions (relevant or not), and spoke continuous words of wisdom throughout the journey. And while we may not be there next week, we'll continue to take the lessons we've learned with us always, and hopefully be able to apply them not only to our lives, but to our children's as well.
Thank you for everything you did to make the trip what it was. We know you put your heart into it.
See you again at all of our weddings (B'ezrat Hashem), with the Love of the Torah."
-The Emunah v'Omanut Poland Crew of 5776
"David is a professional guide. The Poland tour I joined was interesting, inspirational, factual and well executed. David managed to cater for all spiritual and physical needs of the group without fail."
- Rabbi Eli Lewis, Rabbi of Congregation Tiferet Avot in Efrat, Israel
"Dear Rav David,
Wow! Where do we even being thanking you for the unique and meaningful experience? This week was above and beyond our expectations. Every story you told, every word of Torah you shared and every message you conveyed to us, enhanced each step we took.
Though traumatized and horrified from the entire experience, it is something we would never, ever wanted to have missed. We both feel grateful for the opportunity.
As we begin our journey now back home to Eretz Yisrael, we have our ancestors in our hearts and a newfound appreciation for Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.
May Hashem continue to give you the koach to continue your amazing work, taking as many people as possible on this journey to Poland.
Thank you for everything!
רק בשמחות!!"
- Shari (Senior VP of Protexsia Plus Event Planning in Israel) and Alexa Alter, Englewood, NJ
"From beginning to end, Rabbi David Abrahamovitz led the most meaningful trip to Poland for our diverse group of Jews and Christians. He put together the perfect itinerary so we got the most out of our relatively short trip and made sure that every minute of the day was well spent, informative and inspiring. Rabbi David's tour of Poland's important museums, synagogues, ghettos and concentration camps literally changed the lives of many on our trip and I look forward to our next group and having him lead future Jewish heritage trips."
- Rabbi Tuly Weisz, Director of Israel365
"As a Christian Pastor and friends with Rabbi Tuly Weisz, my wife Miriam and I joined the July 2014 Poland tour under the leadership of Rabbi David Abrahamovitz who possessed an incredible wealth of knowledge about the Holocaust and Poland. With amazing passion, he walked us through the different areas of interest and was deliberate in taking his time to explain in depth history of each site. For us, this was the tour of a lifetime that added so much to our love and compassion for the Jewish people and their sufferings. This tour has enhanced my ability to teach and I encourage other Pastors to invest in their ministry by taking this incredible tour."
- Senior Pastor David Swaggerty of CharismaLife Ministries, Columbus, Ohio
"I've had the tremendous privilege of working very closely with Rav David Abrahamovitz for the past ten years. I have seldom met Jewish educators as thoroughly passionate and inspiring as him. Rav David is excellent with both adults and youth; he's thought-provoking and very funny, honest and learned. What he teaches is relevant and practical, and thanks to his special educational approach and to his down-to-earth teaching style, his students and groups respond well to him, and easily identify with his messages.
Rav David is completely accountable and his work ethic is of the highest standard, and I know from experience that he's a team player and a real fine mentsch.
I highly recommend Rav David as a Poland-trip organizer and guide; I have heard nothing but excellent feedback from all the groups who have hired his services, and I've seen the light in their eyes upon their return from the trip."
- Rav Hillel Van-Leeuwen, Educational Director, World Mizrachi
“Rav David, I have not stopped telling people in the neighborhood about how I was moved to tears at Chelmno. I am so happy that I was able to go and glad I was able to meet you and Shmil."
- Mr. Michael Rudensky, Lawrence, New York
"Thank you Rav David for showing me not just the lowest of Poland, but also the highest. I have learned that it is possible to transition from happy to sad and back, and when it is appropriate to sing and dance, and when it is appropriate to mourn and cry. This journey will stay with me forever."
- Eden Gorodischer, Westchester, New York
"This journey has strengthened my love for Judaism and Israel, and has made me a stronger person."
- Shira Osdoba, Memphis, Tennessee
"You gave us time to think about what is really important in life and that is what made this trip so special. Thank you for being an amazing guide and being a bridge between the past and present."
- Eden Malca, Brooklyn, New York
"How do I start to thank you for this incredible week?...You brought so much life to the places of such destruction."
- Shana Katz, Boston, Massachusetts
"Dear Rabbi David,...I have tried to convince others I meet to take this tour, & I will continue to do so. You, Yankel, & Rabbi Tuly were top-notch, & what you did for Chelsea was immeasurable. She has been a little spokesperson in her school against anti-Semitism & speaks up about the Holocaust in her classes."
- Michelle Berry, Hutto, Texas