"Rejoicing for what was; commemorating what is no longer."
Kli Yakar Yahrtzeit Tour
Prague - May 2019

Thursday, May 9
We will begin our weekend at 7:30pm with dinner at the hotel and introductory words of the Jewish significance of Prague and the Kli Yakar.

Friday, May 10
We will visit the Jewish Quarter of Prague, home of a Jewish community since the 10th century.​ ​Though​ ​most​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Jewish community​ ​buildings​ ​were​ ​destroyed,​ ​the​ ​synagogues​ ​​remain. We will tour the Jewish Museum, ​established​ ​in​ ​1906. ​ ​During​ ​the​ ​Nazi​ ​regime it​ ​was​ ​preserved​ ​with the​ ​intention​ ​of​ ​becoming​ ​a​ ​museum​ ​of​ ​the​ ​annihilated​ ​Jews​ ​of​ ​Europe.​ ​Today’s​ ​museum exhibits​ ​include​ ​the​ ​Maisel,​ ​Klaus,​ ​Spanish​ ​and​ ​Pinkas​ ​Synagogues,​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as​ ​the​ ​Old Cemetery​ ​and​ ​the​ ​Chevra​ ​Kadisha​ ​Ceremonial​ ​Hall.

Shabbat, May 11
In addition to Shabbat tefillot and festive meals, we will enjoy a walking tour of Old Town Prague. We will visit​ ​some​ ​of​ ​the​ ​most​ ​breathtaking​ ​views​ ​and​ ​famous​ ​locations​ ​in​ ​Prague,​ ​including: Prague​ ​Castle,​ ​Strahov​ ​Library,​ ​Lesser​ ​Town,​ ​John​ ​Lennon’s​ ​Wall,​ ​Charles​ ​Bridge,​ ​the Maharal’s​ ​Statue​ ​and​ ​the​ ​Old​ ​Town​ ​Square.
On Motzei Shabbat there will be an original video presentation of the history and teachings of the Kli Yakar.

Sunday, May 12
Culminating our weekend will be a seudah and siyum on the teachings of the Kli Yakar and Kaddish by the Kli Yakar's Kever in honor of his 400th yahrtzeit.
2 pm transfer to Vaclav Havel Airport
*subject to change
Your Hosts
Rabbi David Abrahamovitz

Rabbi David Abrahamovitz was born in Toronto, Canada, and has been living in Israel since 2004. For over a decade, he has been teaching Bible Studies and Jewish Law in Jerusalem.
David studied Jewish History throughout his life and all four of his grandparents were Holocaust survivors. Nonetheless, only after his first visit to Poland did he begin to comprehend the enormity of Polish Jewish History and the Holocaust.
He intensively studied Polish Jewry and the Holocaust and then began leading Poland tours for groups from all over the world. Since 2007, he has led countless successful Poland tours. He has recently expanded tour locations to include countries in Western Europe, including Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Slovakia. His trips are educational and meaningful. His guiding is informative and always enthused with passion.
When not guiding for “The World That Was”, Rav David can often be found furthering his research.
Yudi Akselrud

It's finally here.
For 5 years or so I have taken upon the endeavor to learn ALL of the sefarim of Rav Shlomo Ephraim Luntshitz. The Kli Yakar.
In Iyar, 2019 it will be the 400th yahrzeit of the Kli Yakar who spent his life teaching and giving mussar before becoming Rav and Av beis din of Prague where is he buried only feet from the Maharal.
To commemorate the event, The World that Was tour company will be organizing a trip to Prague, including Shabbos and a special siyum.
Why the Kli yakar? I’ve been asked perhaps hundreds of times.
The best way I can answer this is that besides being in concise and easy to read Hebrew, I feel the Kli Yakar is able to mix the right amount of pshat and drash… and is able to give over lessons that apply today just as it did in Poland and Prague 400 years ago.
For example:
People speaking loshon hara.
Rabbis being influenced by rich people.
People only giving tzedaka when they are dead as opposed to when they are alive.
Living in huge houses and not thinking about moshiach.
People working too much and not focusing on the “next world.”
People doing teshuva before they get old.
Torah keeping the world stable.
And many, many more..
If the Kli Yakar was alive today he would be the most sought after speaker as he had the ability and the “chutzpah” to deal with issues that were affecting the Jewish people, and did not shy away from speaking his mind and saying the truth.
Besides the teachings in his seforim, there are also several interesting legends and myths. One is how his yahrzeit is celebrated on two days (one in Adar and one in Iyar) and how he may have been raised as a goy.
One story that can be verified is the Invasion of Prague, in which the Jews were huddled inside the shul davening and fasting to be saved from the Passua Tribe that surrounded the city. They were saved and the day of Adar 2 was celebrated as a day for celebration. The Kli Yakar wrote a selichos to commemorate that event, which has been found and published in the sefer Sifsai Daas.
Hopefully you can join us for this incredible Shabbos of inspiration and learning and the siyum to commemorate and celebrate the life and Torah of the Kli Yakar.
Important Information:
How do we meet up?
We will provide transportation from Prague's Vaclav Havel Airport to the King David Prague Hotel, where we will begin our weekend with dinner.
If you require accommodations or logistical assistance before or after the trip, please be in touch with David at david@theworldthatwas.org.
Rest and comfort are essential. All our fine hotels are 4 or 5 star, and are all very comfortable and impeccably clean. Their desirable locations enrich our tour.
In Prague, we will be staying at the five-star King David Prague Kosher Hotel. Throughout our stay there, our group will have access to a tea room which will be stocked with snacks and beverages.
Our caterers prepare 3 quality Glatt-Kosher meals a day.
Prior to the trip, you should arrange your own medical/travel insurance.
Participants individually arrange for and pay for their flights.
The all-inclusive tour land cost is $995 USD. The single room supplement fee is $300 USD.Your spot is reserved upon paying the down-payment of $400 USD by February 3, 2019. Full payment is due March 9th, 2019. Click here to pay.
Cancellation Policy
Please note down-payments are nonrefundable.*
In the event that the balance has been paid:
- Cancellations more than 60 days prior to tour – 90% of balance returned.
- Cancellations between 30 to 60 days prior to tour – 50% of balance returned.
- Cancellations less than 30 days prior to tour – no refunds.
*A minimum of 15 participants must register by February 3rd in order to run the trip. If the trip is cancelled, you will receive a full refund.
‪For all inquiries, please email david@theworldthatwas.org